There are a few different titles used for what is essentially the first step in understanding risk at a site from possible contaminated land. Some refer to this phase of work as “Phase 1”; “Stage 1”; “Preliminary Site Investigation”; “Desk Study” but they all generally contain the same core elements:
- A [Desk Study] site history review;
- A site walkover survey;
- A discussion with local Stakeholders or other parties;
- A Preliminary Conceptual Site Model or Preliminary/Generic Risk Assessment
- Conclusions and Recommendations
You are on the starting grid of between 3 to 5 phases of investigation of your site potentially, getting it right at this point will make all the difference in the long run.
This phase of work doesn’t usually involve sample collection or other physical work other than a site walkover, but this can sometimes be included if the project or site warrants it.
While we prepare our eBooks on Phase 1 and Phase 2 investigations, why not visit our website or get in touch with us.
A friendly guide to site investigations
Have you been asked by your local planners or funders to undertake a site environmental survey, including intrusive investigation where necessary, to establish any environmental risks that may exist on your site? This guide will help.
Check it out