A site investigation encompasses the collection of information about the ground beneath a site to assess the risk(s) that the soil (or other media) may pose to people and the wider environment.
Elements of the investigation range from the “desk based” interrogation of records held by bodies such as the Environment Agency, local councils and the Coal Authority through to a “site based” physical inspection of the site by a geotechnical engineer and the collection of samples of soil, water and/or vapours for laboratory analysis. The elements may vary dependent on the complexity of the site and its’ history. It may be beneficial seek knowledge of the site via interview of former occupants or employees. Similarly, the techniques for obtaining samples for laboratory analysis can vary between the very simple (a hand trowel for example) to the more complex (deep drilling).
The results of the site investigation are then reviewed to determine if any remediation work is required to make the site safe.

Phase 1 Desk Studies / Preliminary Risk Assessments
Do you want an insight on Phase 1 Desk Studies / Preliminary Risk Assessments for Contaminated Land? This eBook has been written specifically for those new to contaminated land and provides an overview for the uninitiated of what steps you need to follow.

Phase 2 Site Investigations
Do you want an insight on Phase 2 Site Investigations? This eBook has been written specifically for those new to contaminated land and provides an overview for the uninitiated of what steps you need to follow.