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We've taken the time to create some very useful eBooks that you can download using the links below. In addition we have have a number of Guides to help answer common questions you may have. We hope you find them useful!


Soilutions eBooks

Phase 1 Desk Studies / Preliminary Risk Assessments

Do you want an insight on Phase 1 Desk Studies / Preliminary Risk Assessments for Contaminated Land? This eBook has been written specifically for those new to contaminated land and provides an overview for the uninitiated of what steps you need to follow.

Phase 2 Site Investigations

Do you want an insight on Phase 2 Site Investigations? This eBook has been written specifically for those new to contaminated land and provides an overview for the uninitiated of what steps you need to follow.

Waste soil classification and disposal options

Classifying waste soils for disposal without any prior knowledge can be difficult and uncomfortable at times, especially when it can be very costly if you incorrectly classify the material. This eBook will help you understand the whats, the whys and the hows of waste soil classification in the simplest terms.

Oil spill preparation and response

Preparing for an oil spill is very important, but most people only recognise how important once they’ve had one. It can be very costly in time and money if you’re not prepared. This free eBook will help you understand the whats, the whys and the hows of oil spill response in the simplest terms.

Soil remediation guide

Approaching soil remediation without any prior knowledge can be difficult and uncomfortable at times, especially when it can potentially be very costly. This free eBook will help you understand the whats, the whys and the hows of soil remediation in the simplest terms.

Giant Hogweed removal

Accurately identifying an invasive weed without any prior knowledge can be tricky for the lesser green fingered amongst us, especially when there is a health risk involved. This free eBook will help educate, identify, treat and address the dangers of Giant Hogweed.

Everything you wanted to know about Japanese Knotweed but were afraid to ask

Japanese Knotweed can be the stuff of nightmares for developers and homeowners alike. Not sure if you have a Knotweed problem? Looking for the answers? This free eBook will help educate, identify, treat and address the importance of eradicating Japanese Knotweed.

Rhododendron removal

Although an attractive plant, Rhododendron Ponticum is a major problem throughout the UK – especially as it can potentially be very costly to eradicate. This free eBook will help educate, identify, treat and address the importance of removing Rhododendron.

Soilutions’ Guides

We’re always happy to talk to you about questions you may have about contaminated land, invasive weeds and oil spills.  If you’d prefer to seek your own answers to common questions, the following Guides can help.

Site Investigation – Guide & FAQs

Site Investigation – Guide & FAQs

Cleaning up any ground or surface water contamination. We’ve addressed contaminated groundwater remediation with 3 different approaches

Oil spill clean up guide

Oil spill clean up guide

Here we present answers to your questions about Oil Spill clean up. We also cover prevention, health and safety, clean-up, and spill response services.

Giant Hogweed removal guide

Giant Hogweed removal guide

A guide to understand this pesky plant and how to remove it from your site/property.

Japanese Knotweed Removal Guide

Japanese Knotweed Removal Guide

Here we present answers to common questions about Japanese Knotweed removal, identification and legislation.