A Phase 2 Site Investigation involves the use of intrusive techniques such as borehole drilling and trial pitting, combined with other sampling and testing to help discover whether contamination the Phase 1 Desk Study concluded may be present on the site is indeed present and to determine its severity and/or extent.
In order to begin to quantify potential risks to humans, the environment or buildings we need to sample the subsurface (typically soils and groundwater) at targeted or random locations and obtain qantified concentrations of pollutants via accredited laboratory analysis of the samples. From these “snapshots” of pollutant concentrations at various locations across the site, we can draw conclusions regarding site-wide contamination and quantify what risks they may pose to identified receptors.
In summary, a Phase 2 Site Investigation broadly comprises:
- the sampling of the site via intrusive site works and subsequent monitoring
- laboratory analysis of site-won samples to produce quantitative measurements of potential pollutants in soils, groundwater etc
- assessment of site and laboratory data to help refine the preliminary conceptual site model developed for the Phase 1 Desk Study, reduce uncertainties and develop a clear idea of any potentially significant risks at the site
- a report detailing the site works and quantitative assessment of risks, conclusions and remedial options appraisal (if required).

Phase 2 Site Investigations
Do you want an insight on Phase 2 Site Investigations? This eBook has been written specifically for those new to contaminated land and provides an overview for the uninitiated of what steps you need to follow.