If you want to protect your oil/chemical related environmental risks you should consult an oil spill response service provider, there are plenty of us around and we’re all ( I hope) more than happy to discuss your scenario pro actively, or mobilise immediately and provide you with an emergency spill service. Of course planning is the best way forward, but if you’re too busy actually doing work then having a spill response number to hand is the next best thing.
The real extent of works which ‘oil spill response services’ can cover can be stretched as wide as the client requires. I can only speak about Soilutions of course, however I believe the general approach for spill response service providers is as follows for which any or all could be relevant to you/your company-
- Assessment of risk- incl type, volume, storage of materials
- Assessment of reasonable protective measures- can incl. absorbents, drain protection, etc.
- Supply of appropriate protective measures as required
- Staff training – can be quick and simple to get people up to speed
- Emergency spill response action planning either or both of in-house and sub-contracted services
- Physical emergency response services
- Oil spill clean-up
For more information you should visit http://www.soilutions.co.uk/service/view/1/Oil-spill-response-services

Visit our oil spill clean up guide
Here we present answers to lots of your questions about Oil Spill clean up. We also cover prevention, health and safety, clean-up, as well as response plans and spill response services.
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