A fairly ambiguous statement, Soil Treatment, yet again in the contaminated land remediation world we have tried to claim it for our own (Please don’t tell the farmers and gardeners out there).
Contaminated soil treatment has 2 main applications, in-situ and ex-situ, the target being to reduce / remove contaminants in order to either facilitate safe re-use on site, or dispose of the materials off-site at a cheaper rate.
Ex-situ soil treatment can be done on-site if you have the time and space, or the increasingly popular option is to send soils to one of many soil treatment centres across the UK. Soil treatment centres are designed to reduce the soil contaminants to a level where the soils are suitable for re-use. The important point with treatment centres is that the soils are not landfilled and therefore no landfill tax is levied (click here to see the government landfill tax escalator (currently £102.10 / tonne as of April 2023).
Soil treatment, in any guise, is an excellent addition to a remedial options assessment.
Soil remediation guide
Approaching soil remediation without any prior knowledge can be difficult and uncomfortable at times, especially when it can potentially be very costly. This free eBook will help you understand the whats, the whys and the hows of soil remediation in the simplest terms.