Direct Push, in-situ Chemical oxidation (chemox) treatment is a process where an oxidising chemical is injected into the ground to oxidise organic contaminants. This method can be used to reduce hydrocarbon concentrations (oil, petrol and diesel etc) in groundwater and soils. The in-situ application is particularly useful where time or engineering constraints make other methods such as bioremediation or excavation and disposal of contaminated soils impractical and is well suited to remediation of petrol station sites.
Injection lances are pushed into the contaminated material (to pretty much any depth and angle required) using a purpose built continuous percussion drilling rig, a pre-determined volume of oxidising chemical is pumped under pressure through the lances at locations and depths to reach the contaminated horizons. We’ve often found that several injections are required to achieve a significant reduction in contaminant concentrations.
There are a range of factors to consider when carrying out this kind of work not least the hazards associated with handling an oxidising solution and it’s movement within the ground during and following the pressure injection. If you want to know more about the chemical oxidation visit our web-site here. We’re always happy to answer your questions so please feel free to phone or e-mail us.

Soil remediation guide
Approaching soil remediation without any prior knowledge can be difficult and uncomfortable at times, especially when it can potentially be very costly. This free eBook will help you understand the whats, the whys and the hows of soil remediation in the simplest terms.