Just a quick blog to help raise some awareness for Soil. Yep thats right, soil!
The UN assembly has declared 2015 as being the International Year of Soils. A hugely important resource that is easily forgotten about. The aim is to increase awareness and the importance of soil to ourselves and the ecosystem. When you really start to look at the importance soil plays in our lives, it is staggering. Massively vital for food production, filters and stores water, plays a key role in the carbon cycle adapting to and even fighting climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide. Without it we wouldn’t have medicines and fuels.
As it stands there is an estimated 33% of soils facing degradation and with our ever increasing global population and over farming its time to start waking up and “smell the roses” (which lets face it wouldn’t exist without soil) We can no longer take soil for granted and need to reverse the degradation, practice sustainable soil management, stop food waste, prevent pollution and avoid burying nutrient rich soils.
There is plenty happening around the world and on social media relating to this and its certainly worth spending sometime learning what can be done.

Soil remediation guide
Approaching soil remediation without any prior knowledge can be difficult and uncomfortable at times, especially when it can potentially be very costly. This free eBook will help you understand the whats, the whys and the hows of soil remediation in the simplest terms.