The answer isn’t simple (unlike my blog writing I bet you’re thinking). Read on to get an insight.
As with all remediation costs (e.g. soil remediation cost blog) the process to calculate clean-up costs requires a lot of time with a lot of information. The rate of clean-up is dependent upon many factors in the groundwater and the soils there in.
Water remediation can be approached using any of 4 main techniques which are summarised on our web-site here.
The costs for pump and treat, air sparging and vapour extraction (or a combination) are generally broken down in to the following-
- Set up costs,
- Hire of equipment,
- Monitoring,
- Disposal of contaminant ( for example replacement of saturated filters?), and;
- Demobilisation.
This is mainly because the hire of equipment and disposal costs are difficult to fix as they depend upon the rate of success. We’ll give you a good indication of time if you ask.
In-situ chemical treatment costs are calculated on a cost per treatment basis, the number of treatments can vary significantly as they depend upon rate of treatment success.
The size of site, volume of contamination, type of contaminant are crucial for putting together an indicative cost. Phone us and we should be able to at least give you an indication right then, or if you send through some information we expect to be able to do a lot better. Contact 0131 538 8456 and/or, or find us here.

Soil remediation guide
Approaching soil remediation without any prior knowledge can be difficult and uncomfortable at times, especially when it can potentially be very costly. This free eBook will help you understand the whats, the whys and the hows of soil remediation in the simplest terms.