This is the one bit of remediation that only gets a look in right at the eleventh hour. Mostly people are concerned about how to reach the targets and do not consider how they are going to prove (validate) they reached them.
To give any credence to the validation it must be undertaken by an independent person, otherwise how are you to know that the sample jars weren’t filled with John Innes No1 or Scottish Waters finest tipple…!
The choice of where you undertake your validation is also important. Make sure that you are consistent with the laboratory you use. Some labs extract samples completely different to others which will give you totally different results. Don’t believe me…? try sending a sample of contaminated soil to three different labs…you’ll get three completely different results…!
If you have one sample in say fifty that failed what then…? Well, statistically you have a pass, but for those regulators who like their bits of paper (you know who you are) you have not achieved the target. You may be asked to delineate the failed area by more tests before you can then proceed with even more treatment.
Be careful that your treatment does not cause a secondary problem such as elevating the pH or degrading hydrocarbons and thus causing a lower banding to become elevated.
In the end you want it to be clear that you had a strategy, carried it out and achieved your goal. Well, in case you were wondering if I was going to throw in a simile, then you’ll be right.
Sam, the famous plate spinner had a strategy, put it into operation and validated a higher achievement than they expected. The GB Ultimate Frisbee team are SILVER MEDALISTS…! Way to go…!

Soil remediation guide
Approaching soil remediation without any prior knowledge can be difficult and uncomfortable at times, especially when it can potentially be very costly. This free eBook will help you understand the whats, the whys and the hows of soil remediation in the simplest terms.