Chemox (Chemical Oxidation) is an excellent technology for treating groundwater whilst it is in the ground. Chemox will often also reduce contamination levels in soils (see chemox in soil remediation by clicking here).
Chemox is a generic name for any number of substances which oxdise contaminants, some are natural, but as is often the case, the most useful are man made. Determining the best one for your site, time constraints, and budget can be tricky without doing tests in the field, however if you don’t have that time then we can use our experience to get us going in the right direction.
We’ve used chemox which provides a quick high impact ‘hit’, and some which give a long slow impact to the groundwater. A full spectrum of chemox exists.
Chemox is most effective cleaning up / polishing low levels of contamination, the major draw back can be cost of the material, therefore on heavily contaminated site it rarely adds up financially at the start, however once the majority of the contamination is away, chemox can be ideal for taking the last bit off and achieveing remediation targets.
We’ve used chemox for-
- Remediating former fuel stations
- Treating difficult to access contaminated areas (e.g. beneath building structures)