The Environment Agency have brought out new enforcement guidelines referencing the CL:AIRE Definition of Waste Code of Practice (DoW CoP)
The following are the main points you’ll need to be aware of:
- The National House Building Council now requires to see a site verification report as part of the DoW CoP. The report needs to contain evidential documentation where soils have been imported on to your site including a declaration from a qualified person for each donor site.
- There is a 21 working day consultation/no objection period now being enforced by the EA before work starts, to give the EA time to approve the materials management plan (MMP).
- Specific guidance has been issued by the EA that requires as a minimum a desktop study for all sites, including Greenfield, if your intention is to export soils to another site.
- An EHO approved remediation strategy must be in place before formation of a MMP and any works can start.
We’re happy to talk so feel free to contact us on 0800 0209 307 or e-mail us on If you found the above to be of use why not check out our related Waste Classification Guide:

Waste soil classification and disposal options
Classifying waste soils for disposal without any prior knowledge can be difficult and uncomfortable at times, especially when it can be very costly if you incorrectly classify the material. This eBook will help you understand the whats, the whys and the hows of waste soil classification in the simplest terms.
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