Over the last few years disposal to landfill has continued to decline with greater emphasis being placed on the use of onsite remedial technologies. There has also been a common misconception that a choice had to be made between the available remedial technologies, in that only one could be used…!
Through careful remedial design the best solution is often one where a ‘team’ of highly developed solutions are brought together in unison with the ultimate aim of achieving the ‘goal’ of a successful outcome.
Often achieving the solution is akin to spinning plates. Careful control of the speed and handling of the plate (remedial solution) is required, but when undertaken by highly skilled professional working in unison the outcome can be awesome.
So why all the team, goal and plate analogies…? Well, Sam, our esteem Op’s Manager, is currently out in Japan captaining the GB team at the World Ultimate Frisbee Championships. So far they have won both their opening matches and are well placed to go through to the knock out stages.
To see how Sam’s getting on check out http://bit.ly/PEzCJN
Oh, and if you want us to spin some plates for you, in a remedial way that is, feel free to give us a call.

Soil remediation guide
Approaching soil remediation without any prior knowledge can be difficult and uncomfortable at times, especially when it can potentially be very costly. This free eBook will help you understand the whats, the whys and the hows of soil remediation in the simplest terms.
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