Similar to in-situ remediation…?
Further to Sam’s recent blog you’ll be pleased to know that his recent keyhole surgery went well and he’s now on his way to a full recovery.
So why am I writing about this…? Well keyhole surgery is very similar to in-situ treatment techniques, trust me on this…! You analyse where the problem is, you plan your strategy for remediating the affected area, and then go for it without having to open everything up and causing pain and inconvenience to all concerned. Just as a surgeon would do except they wear green robes and we wear white smurff suits… now there’s a thought should all Environmental Practitioners where green protection suits instead of the normal white ones…? At least we wouldn’t look like a scene from Taggart…!
In-situ remediation techniques range from physical removal (e.g. vapour extraction, groundwater extraction and treatment), to bioremediation (e.g. air sparging) and/or chemical treatment (e.g. chemical oxidation). With so many techniques available on the market it’s very possible that one, or a combination of them can help you avoid opening up a very large wound on your site and reduce the pain you will no doubt endure when paying for it. All you need to do is speak to the right people to find out options for your site. Remediation Contractors are a good place to start.
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