It’s likely you need to have some kind of fuel storage on-site, whether it’s a mobile bowser or a stationary tank, you will need to make some kind of risk assessment when deciding where to keep it.
First of all, it needs to be easily accessible for refuelling machines so it’s less likely an accident caused by awkward manoeuvring will occur. Somewhere away from the main site traffic routes, public eye and drains is ideal, it’s a good idea to have a dedicated refuelling area if you can.
Ok, so you’ve found the safest place you can feasibly put it, chances are your site is quite busy and there’s still a chance it could be hit or vandalised. If there is still a risk of collisions, have you thought about putting it into a bund? The costs of creating a bund can be a bit off putting as it’s recommended you use substantial materials such as reinforced concrete, but this is cheaper than cleaning up a spill, should one occur.
Prevention is king so make sure you keep up maintenance on any long-term fuel tanks and always use a drip tray when refuelling.
It’s important to have a spill kit situated close to the tank, so should a spill occur you can quickly stop it spreading. It’s most important to stop up any routes to water receptors, by putting drain mats over drain covers, socks to stop oil spreading and granules or absorbent mats to absorb as much free product as possible. The used absorbents can then be disposed of at a licensed facility.

Visit our oil spill clean up guide
Here we present answers to lots of your questions about Oil Spill clean up. We also cover prevention, health and safety, clean-up, as well as response plans and spill response services.