We are not suggesting you become a registered technician in the field, but regular checks could save you having to call us out to deal with an untimely oil leak- oil leaks are always untimely.
It’s important your oil tank is situated on a level base capable of supporting the weight of the tank when it’s full to capacity, an uneven base will cause areas of stress on the tank which can lead to a stress failure.
Check your tank for cracks- particularly in plastic tanks- we have seen these fail due to heat and cold stress in the summer and winter months. In metal tanks, ensure you have protected your tank from corrosion, check for any rust spots.
Check the oil feed line for any damage, from vandalism or simply something hitting it on a windy day.
Record your oil usage! This is a really helpful way to help you detect a slow leak- these can cause so much damage and it’s very easy for them to go undetected for months as it’s difficult to pinpoint as the oil loss accumulates slowly.
Get your tank serviced regularly by a registered technician and know your insurance policy, some may not cover the clean up costs should you have a leak.
Finally, have a spill kit to hand should the worst happen. Household items such as a bar of soap and cat litter are invaluable in the emergency clean up and for the aftermath, you can count on us!

Visit our oil spill clean up guide
Here we present answers to lots of your questions about Oil Spill clean up. We also cover prevention, health and safety, clean-up, as well as response plans and spill response services.